It’s payday, money’s looking tight, and you are looking forward to getting your paycheck.

If one of your creditors has a judgment against you for the money you owe and has used that judgment to garnish your wages, you could be in for a shock.

Garnishment in Hawaii obligates your employer to withhold a percentage of your pay and send it to your creditor. This continues each pay period until the debt is paid.

Although the law limits the percentage a creditor can garnish of your wages, that doesn’t help if you are just managing to balance your bills with your income.

Even a small loss of income can make a difference and create a snowball effect that results in your getting deeper into financial trouble.

You could fall behind on your mortgage or car payment, risking foreclosure or repossession.

If this is happening to you, then you should seek advice from our experienced wage garnishment attorneys at Blake Goodman, PC, Attorney for how to deal with this issue.

Please contact our firm today to discuss all of your options under the law.

What Is Wage Garnishment?

A wage garnishment is a legal procedure where a portion of a person’s earnings is required to be withheld by an employer for the payment of a debt.

In general, a creditor in Hawaii may garnish up to 25% of the disposable earnings.

With so many households living paycheck to paycheck, just barely keeping their heads above water. When a creditor begins taking money directly out of that paycheck, it becomes difficult to keep everything afloat.

Can Bankruptcy Stop Wage Garnishment?

Did you know that filing for bankruptcy in Hawaii can stop garnishment? When you file for bankruptcy in Hawaii, an automatic stay goes into effect the minute your plan is filed.

From that moment on, during the pendency of your case, creditors are prevented from attempting to collect money from you.

They can’t call you, they can’t file lawsuits against you, they can’t use a judgment awarded in court to garnish your wages, and they can’t continue to garnish your wages if they have already started.


Overwhelmed ByFinancial Troubles?

Facing financial troubles, especially wage garnishment, can be overwhelming and stressful. At Blake Goodman, PC, Attorney we understand the burden this puts on you and your family. Our experienced team specializes in navigating the complexities of wage garnishment law in Hawaii. We’re here to offer you effective legal solutions and personalized guidance to help lift the weight of financial strain. Let us work with you to protect your earnings and set a course toward financial stability. Reach out to us for a consultation and take the first step towards regaining control of your finances.

Income Protected from Garnishment

Certain types of income are protected from garnishment by creditors.

These include Social Security, IRA’s, and 401(k)s. Additionally, garnishments for certain types of debts are issued automatically.

For example, all child support orders include an automatic wage withholding order.

If you owe back taxes, then the IRS or State can garnish your wages without court permission.

We Help Clients Throughout Hawaii Fight Wage Garnishment

If you are facing a garnishment you should seek an experienced attorney at Blake Goodman, PC, Attorney.

Filing for bankruptcy stops creditors from obtaining judgments and can void a judgment if one is already in place.

For those debts that are not dischargeable in bankruptcy, such as child support arrears and back taxes, filing can also help by proposing a repayment plan that will spread out the payments in a more manageable way.

Contact a Wage Garnishment Lawyer in Hawaii Today

Bankruptcy can be difficult to navigate, but our bankruptcy attorneys are ready to help guide you.

Read our frequently asked questions or reach out to us directly to schedule a free consultation for more information.